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  • Writer's pictureDr. Pradyuth P

Health benefits of plant based diet on diary products

  • We all are made to believe that milk, and diary products are good for us, especially children. But studies have shown that after certain age, any animal milk is not required to the human body, in fact many health conditions which people and children face are due to the diary products.

  • The first common notion people have is milk is good for children and babies as it contains calcium, more so that the govt makes milk an essential product.

  • Did you know that green leafy vegetables have more calcium than in diary products! People often forget the point that cow's milk for baby calf, not for humans, it is a specialized milk for baby calf to grow huge and strong just like her mother cow. Humans do not grow so big, so soon. It is often forgotten that along with calcium, cow's milk also contains growth hormones, and other special hormones designed only for baby calf, Imagine giving human mother milk to baby calf, does it make any sense? if not then why do the other ? Also cow's are injected with hormones so that they become pregnant unnaturally, so it is even more worse in this case as milk will contain estrogens and progesterone! We are giving milk filled with these hormones to new born babies, infants , adults, children, you cannot possibly imagine the damage we are doing by this.

  • Cow's do not drink milk, then how do they get calcium, have you ever wondered ? Calcium is an Earth mineral in fertile soils that’s taken up by green plants as they produce leaves, stems, roots and fruits. When we eat dark, leafy greens, we derive significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamin K and more.

  • You are what you absorb! When eating vegetables, it is important to chew thoroughly in order to break down the plants’ cell walls and, in so doing, liberate the plants’ nutrients so they can be absorbed. A one and one-half (1.5) cup serving of kale contains 150 mg of calcium. That’s 25% of your daily calcium requirement in a single serving of greens! Serve with a spray of balsamic vinegar or a drizzle of lemon juice (to aid absorption) – and, yum!

There are many plant based foods which are rich in calcium ,

Dark green leafy vegetables


nuts and seeds

sesame seeds

  • I get many enquires from my patients asking if they can give milk and milk products to their children, when i tell the above points they are quite surprised. Every mother and parent is afraid internally to stop the milk and diary products thinking it would do harm, but the fact is parents are already doing harm by giving these products.

  • I advice all my patients not to give milk esp for children who have respiratory issues, once they stop, they improve really well along with homeopathy medicines, the body starts to respond much better, its much more happier and healthier.

Do let me know your thoughts. For consultations you may contact me at


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