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  • Writer's pictureDr. Pradyuth P

Asthma and Homeopathy

Updated: Dec 24, 2020

Summary of the disorder

Q.1 What is asthma and what are the causes for asthma ?

  1. A common lung disorder in which inflammation causes the bronchi to swell and narrow the airways, creating breathing difficulties that may range from mild to life-threatening. Symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and chest tightness. The causes can vary from genetics to lifestyle disorder, repeated lung infection, injury to lungs, allergic reactions ,secondary infection, frequent use of medications, suppression of skin complaints etc

Q.2 I have wheezing so it is the same as asthma.?

  1. Asthma and wheezing are different, asthma is a medical condition, whereas wheezing is a symptom which occurs due to any infection in the chest. Wheezing can be seen in other chest conditions as well.

Different types with symptoms.

Q.3 What are the different types of Asthma

  1. There may types of asthma, they are as follows

  2. Allergic Asthma- as the name suggests it occurs due to an allergic reaction. Usually people who have allergic rhinitis ( refer my blog on allergic rhinitis) have higher chances of developing allergic asthma.

  3. Nocturnal Asthma- This usually occurs during night times when sleeping.

  4. Exercise induced Asthma- It is a type of asthma which is induced by exercises. The symptom usually begins after the start of exercise and lasts even after finishing the exercises.

Stages with symptoms

Mild Persistent Asthma

If you have mild persistent asthma, your symptoms are still mild but occur more than twice per week. For this type classification, you don’t have symptoms more than once per day.


  • Wheezing or whistling when breathing

  • Coughing

  • Swollen airways

  • Development of mucus in the airways

  • Chest tightness or pain

Moderate persistent asthma

With moderate persistent asthma you’ll have symptoms once each day, or most days. You will also have symptoms at least one night each week.


  • wheezing or whistling when breathing

  • coughing

  • swollen airways

  • development of mucus in the airways

  • chest tightness or pain

Severe persistent asthma

If you have severe persistent asthma, you’ll have symptoms several times during the day. These symptoms will occur almost every day. You will also have symptoms many nights each week. Severe persistent asthma doesn’t respond well to medications even when taken regularly.


  • wheezing or whistling sound when breathing

  • coughing

  • swollen airways

  • development of mucus in the airways

  • chest tightness or pain.

The line of Treatment in different systems of medicines is given below.

Current system of medicine

  1. Treats superficially, only helps in dilating the lungs

  2. Have to depend lifelong on medications

  3. Medicines will have side effects

  4. Treatment only to parts of the body.

  5. Future complications can happen


  1. Treats the root cause of the illness and prevents future episodes

  2. No such dependency.

  3. All medicines in Homeopathy have no side effects.

  4. Holistic line of treatment.

  5. No complications.

A Feed Back from one of our patients

"Very good cool doctor who listens to our problems patiently and gives medicines.

Another good quality is that he follows up with patient everyday about progress, which i like very much. This i have not found with any other doctors. This actually boosts confidence with doctor-patient.

My experience with DR. Pradyuth:-

I am 67 year old. i was taking medicines for my severe cough during night for more than 70 days . i was not getting any relief .

I came to know about Dr.Pradyuth and I consulted just 15 days back. I started taking medicines as advised by him. Now I can proudly say that I got relieved of my cough. GREAT RELIEF.

Thank you very much doctor. God bless you."

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